Confessions of an Admissions Director: Discovering Aryval

Annalee Neukam Katz
August 8, 2024

This story is inspired by true events. Think of it as our own Carrie Bradshaw take on K-12 admissions.

As the admissions director of a bustling independent school, I couldn't help but feel like I was juggling flaming swords while riding a unicycle. My small, dedicated team and I were constantly balancing numerous responsibilities, a scenario all too familiar to many of my fellow admissions directors. We shared a common ambition: to be strategic, harnessing data to refine our recruitment strategies, from events, to interviews and beyond. Efficiency and effectiveness were our mantras.

One day last spring, after the recruitment season had finally wrapped up, I found myself at my desk, crafting an agenda for a team meeting. We needed to reflect on the past season and strategize for the upcoming year. My admissions assistant, Liz, had posed a question earlier: “Do we need to run all the same events next year? 

Some had poor turnouts, but I remember the lovely Smith family attended that event with only three other families. 

“Maybe it’s worth keeping?” A good question indeed. 

With budgets in mind, did it make sense to repeat all the same events because we always had? On top of that, I was under pressure to help the marketing team identify which ads were bringing in the highest yield of applicants.

After spending a couple of hours sifting through our EMS data and cross-referencing various spreadsheets, I thought, “There has to be an easier way.” 

A quick Google search led nowhere, so I turned to LinkedIn. Just as I began to reach out to colleagues, it was as if the admission gods heard my silent plea. Right at the top of my feed was a blog post from a company called Aryval that a colleague had liked. Curious, I clicked on it and was thrilled to discover a tool that seemed to be the perfect solution to my dilemma.

I eagerly submitted a web form and promptly heard back from an Account Manager. We scheduled a meeting, and I was blown away by Aryval's capabilities. From a streamlined inquiry form to a customized scheduling calendar to an interview center, I was impressed. But the most exciting part? The yearly Aryval Yield Report. This report provides all the data necessary for my team to make informed and strategic decisions.

We're now entering the admissions season with one less event on the calendar because the data painted a clear picture for us. We're using our marketing dollars more wisely, targeting ads that attract right-fit families, and tweaking our communication strategy to compare to last year's performance.

While things will inevitably get hectic this year, I'm relieved to have the Aryval team in my corner. They're not only super responsive to all things Aryval, but they also bring industry experience, often serving as a sounding board and someone to vent to. 

What a deal!

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