The Clipboard, a "Trusty" Tool

Dan Yorsh
April 21, 2024

Back in the day, before touchscreens ruled the world, there was one mighty symbol of authority: the clipboard.

It wasn't just a tool – it was a badge of honor, used by those in charge with a flair that demanded attention. For many of us, encountering someone with a clipboard meant awaiting our turn at an event or checking in for a school field trip – our names diligently checked off or called out from its wooden surface.

Picture it: a thin brown wooden board, complete with a shiny sliver clip that could snap your fingers if you got too close. It was the same clipboard your great-great-grandparents might've seen in 1870 (by the way, the light bulb was invented in 1879), and miraculously, it survived into the 21st century, still going strong at admission events like a timeless relic.

Fast forward to 2023, and clipboards are still kicking, especially in the chaotic world of K-12 school admission events. Imagine an admission associate rotating a clipboard like they are driving a Formula 1 racing car to the finish line in Monaco, trying to decipher the names of interested families who didn’t register for the open house, but mentioned they were interested in the upcoming school year. At that moment, that admission associate is looking to do what Steve Kerr did to his clipboard in the 2016 NBA Finals (if you’re curious, check out the GIF below).

The analogy is clear: just as LED light bulbs revolutionized energy efficiency, digital tools can streamline processes and enhance productivity. Imagine admission events without the frantic clipboard juggling, replaced instead by seamless digital experiences. The transition promises not only efficiency but also a departure from the limitations of dated methods. Wouldn’t you want to be more efficient in 2024?

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